PayPal Donation Donate Bitcoin. Jan 17, 2021 #14,428 Movie Heroes done Now im missing Youth and Goku Family . hide. Passive: Wicked Boundaries - ATK & DEF +120% guard activated against all attacks; Extreme Class allies Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +30% if 4 or more type Ki Spheres are obtained; damage reduced by 30% if 2 or more rainbow Ki Spheres are obtained Active: Transformation Conditions: Able to be activated once 5 attacks have been received (once only) no comments yet. But how do you get 100% on the LR? Build me a team for extreme teq esbr. Global ID : 1971909102 JP ID : 1417678781. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku After imploring his son to avenge his death and destroy Goku, King Piccolo finally succumbs to his wounds and explodes. report. The same is true for many of the "heavy hitting" LR's; nobody in their right mind would put TEQ LR broly in the first slot on SBR because that's a quick way for an instant game over screen. Fluff. Search for: Home; About; Summer School; Resources; Blog; Contact So he act like a support + tank counter in this mode 4. Oct 30, 2017 1,907. TEQ LR Broly is my wish actually... but I only have 200 Gold coins... :P . no comments yet. Hunchback Battle Gohan Leads the Full Super Teq Movie Heroes Team against Extreme AGL ESBR... December 21, 2020 LR SSJ2 Gohan is the BEST ATTACKING LR in the game! Oct 25, 2017 9,578. Date: Expected for early May. The reason is that his passive debuff to all enemies is just great for the whole team. ValtermcPires. 3.9k . *╚═══ •ೋ° °ೋ• ═══╝* Ok so I didn't think I'd be making a blog about this, but what's happening in the Global version of Dokkan is maddening. 0 comments. Build me a team for extreme teq esbr. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Don't remember it exactly but Raditz probably got the two turn stuns relatively often. Close. That extra 2 ki from double support cell leader skill will help them a lot. Sort by. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Maybe it can help someone, Extreme TEQ was surprisingly good for me as I did it in three tries. Extreme AGL] Super Battle Road Cost: You will need Battle Energy to challenge the Explosive Chain Battle. For example TEQ EXTREME ESBR is a nightmare without Raditz to stun and TEQ LR Broly for damage. I only miss the Extreme TEQ ESBR to do, so not in a hurry to get new units, sure not Super ones. Vote. dommynick. Especially TEQ buff buu. Member. Be the first to share what you think! just now. share. Sort by. Cordy. ValtermcPires. *╔═══ •ೋ° °ೋ• ═══╗* нєℓℓσ ƒєℓℓσω sαiyαทs σƒ sα∂αℓα! User Log In / Sign Up Display … Awakened UR A Warrior Obsessed - Majin Vegeta Extreme TEQ. Sep 13, 2020 #13,782 Welp, I decided to take a punt on the Buu banner seeing as how I didn't even do the discounts yet. Teepo: 30: 1/15 5:18PM: First Category lead EZA !?! Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. save. ESBR Super AGL and Extreme TEQ. Goku & the Fam on their way to … share. Jan 17, 2021 #14,429 And i … In todays standards this guy would be pretty weak. She will be her to proect her team with that 120% DEF buff and sealing her enemies while hitting hard at the same time with her unconditional 100% ATK passive. Teepo: 30: 1/15 5:18PM : Should I buy TEQ Gohan with Red Coins? Srk700 2 years ago #4. Event Announcement. 26 minutes ago. Figured after going 3600 stones in the DL celebration and not getting any new LR I'd get something here but nope, shafted again. LR SSj2 Gohan is a monster. Oct 30, 2017 1,850 . 1/2. Only one more left, Extreme TEQ. [Extreme Z-Awakened] Answers Found in Training SSJ Goku/SSJ Gohan (Youth) Rumored Warrior of Justice SSJ Gohan (Teen) ... By making use of the new TEQ Gohan and the Vegito pairs, this team is well-rounded and ready to take on long and short events with minimal effort. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a comprehensive database about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. Who should i use for extreme teq esbr. koggx: 43: 2/7 6:11AM: Non 120% EZA that I … hide. Bringing up ESBR is even more silly since it's a new mode, I've beaten all SBR's and comfortably clear a bunch of them without any issue. save. The F2P Ribrianne that you can aquire from the Spread Love! 100% Upvoted. The AR Offense Show (Week 112, Day 4) -... January 1, 2021 Unlimited Double Vampire Healing Team! Topic Archived; First; Page 2 of 2; More topics from this board... Esbr Vs super agl: Chris88walker: 4: 1/10 6:51AM: I finally nabbed teq LR Broly: SlashReturns: 6: 1/23 3:37AM: Why does no Broly unit have Big Bad Bosses? Member. Movie Heroes vs Broly... December 18, 2020 Related videos. "Extreme Z-Battle" Is Now On! 0 comments. Software Assurance and Technology Consulting. - Duration: 18:47. BOTH Gameplay. Beating Extreme TEQ ESBR without owning TEQ LR Broly or TEQ Raditz??? Team I used to beat Extreme TEQ ESBR without 2nd Form Cell or LR Broly of my own; Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; More topics from this board... Esbr Vs super agl: Chris88walker: 4: 1/10 6:51AM: Angel Frieza and Cell: StrykeBlayde: 18: 1/8 1:56PM: Used tags to see all of my cards capable of Extreme Z Awakening: Edgemaster70000 : 6: 12/19 6:22AM: Int final form freezer event: Munkle555: … best. Oct 5, 2020 #13,889 Spent 400 stones, no Gohan. Sun 02/28/2021 10:30 pm PST. Broly obviously key in finishing off everyone. report. Fluff Question. Oct 26, 2017 86. Member. If you don't have her/can't find her, use STR Ribrianne in her place. 100% Upvoted. Thu 12/24/2020 10:30 pm PST ~ Tue 12/31/2030 03:59 pm PST. Extreme teq does not have the greatest set of ki links that bind the units together. best. Posted by 5 days ago. EZA LR Goku was also bashing heads. 3/5 Lillie & Ribombee... January 1, 2021 … Global Japan. Paragus & Broly and Great Saiyaman 1 & 2 can be the Team’s floaters. Gerrard Consulting. Beating Extreme TEQ ESBR without owning TEQ LR Broly or TEQ Raditz??? Always feels good beating the hardest stages in the game as a 1330 days F2P player. Oct 30, 2017 1,907. Member. Yeah they got a pretty big buff these past couple weeks. 4. Seal the victory to collect Awakening Medals! If anyone else is waiting for LR demon king piccolo so they have a better chance to beat extreme TEQ ESBR, here’s a strategy. Achievement. Game Play Cards Links Items Quests Events Summons Tournaments Potential Battlefield Missions Ranks Pilaf's Trove Other Resources. DBZ Space! After leveling up some links I tried Super TEQ ESBR and I steamrolled through it. Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; More topics from this board... Esbr Vs super agl: Chris88walker: 4: 1/10 6:51AM: I finally nabbed teq LR Broly: SlashReturns: 6: 1/23 3:37AM: Why does no Broly unit have Big Bad Bosses? His SA foresaw is very useful in ESBR since there's so many enemy that can super you. 1/2. Be the first to share what you think! 1 Fusion I chose Teq SS4 Gogeta during the original Fusion SBR stages and I'm choosing him again. Come challenge 2 members of the Pride Troopers! Plus, the orbs that the support cells produce will help with nuking with perfect cell and the support cells as well as provide orbs to teq LR broly, if you have him. News. Posted by. I have just started trying dokkan events recently, and I was wondering what sort of … 01 - [VS. Load More. This was my final discount: That's a W. ValtermcPires. Main article: Dragon Ball Xenoverse . Both of the Ribrianne's can also recover the HP. All of the other Fusion leaders take so much time to build up to their potential and this Gogeta does not. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse you can collect the seven Dragon Balls and summon the Eternal Dragon. I’m guessing you’re refering to chain battle and ESBR. Sep 13, 2020 #13,783 r/DBZDokkanBattle - NEW ESBR … Member. But the problem is less that he's BOTH Gameplay. New User.
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