Required fields are marked *. All the listed expenses, including the cash withdrawal. She completed the online application form and then completed the Program & Policies - Which statement is not true about receipts? Travel Card 101. Featuring the best practices in industry and plug-and-play components, Defense Travel System streamlines the entire process involved in global Department of Defense (DoD) travel. Hold onto vouchers from earlier trips, so she can process them all together when she returns. The traveler refuses to authorize a credit check. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Lead federal agency travel administrator (FATA): 202-205-4642 Alt. The traveler refuses to authorize a credit score check. What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card? An AO can approve payment for items not addressed by the JTR. TRY OUR ONLINE CLASSES. Which of the statements about a lost or stolen travel card is true? Which of the following is not included in the per diem rate when traveling in CONUS? She completed the online application form and then completed the Program & Policies – Travel Card Program [Travel Card 101] training class and provided a copy of her completion certificate to her APC. Available 24/7/365 Online Courses. Per diem rates vary by age. Regardless of the status of the traveler’s reimbursement, they must pay their bill on time. Free online quizzes and answers for students. HOW TO APPLY FOR THE GOVERNMENT TRAVEL CHARGE CARD (GTCC) w:\documents\g1\reserve affairs branch\admin procedures\gtcc procedures dtd 22 jul 14.docx MarAdmin 691-13 announced a new policy change to eliminate the issuance of temporary duty (TDY) travel advances. Part 301-2 - General Rules This course provides an overview of the DoD Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) program. Vanessa is applying for an IBA. First time going on a TDY. Government Travel Charge Card Regulations (authorized by DoDI 5154.31 Vol 4) 2. Temporary Duty (TDY) A place, away from the PDS, to which the traveler is authorized to travel for official business. Let us know about it through the REPORT button at the bottom of the page. authorizations. Which statement about an individually billed account (IBA) is true? File a dispute with the GTCC vendor within 60 days of the statement date. travel exceeding Last year, Sam traveled three times for official business purposes. Start studying Travel Card 101 Assessment. Sign a DoD Statement of Understanding and provide it to her APC. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features USFK THEATER SPECIFIC TRAINING (USFK 350-2) If PCS, Register for "USFK PCS Theater Specific Required Training" at . What should you do if there are incorrect transactions on your monthly statement? (2) DoD, on behalf of the travel card vendor, automatically collects payment from the cardholder’s pay for any amount owed as a result of undisputed delinquencies. I returned from San Diego and was told that in 3 days I was going TDY to San Antonio, Texas for a two-month school. Which of the following statements is true? What is not true about booking official flights? (3) Individuals are deployed on long-term travel to locations that preclude them from filing interim vouchers (non-DTS). RITA - STATE (Thurs, Jun 10) Remote. What does Vanessa need to do next before she can receive a travel card? Travel Policy 101 & Advanced DTS:1300-1500 Please be advised if there are connection issues or no registered attendees for any one of the classes, the schedule will be adjusted and sent out to the attendees the day of. Some Correct. Ensure your IBA is placed into a PCS and Mission Critical Status. Step 1 – APC verifies, completes, and approves the application. §301-1.2 - What is an “employee” for purposes of TDY allowances? (3) If you have a Government charge card with the travel business line (i.e., a travel card), use the travel card to incur travel-related expenses (see 265 FW 3 and 265 FW 7). Mike used his travel card to purchase airfare, lodging, rental car, gasoline, meals, and parking, and used an ATM to obtain a cash withdrawal. Betty should not provide the information because she is unsure of the legitimacy of the call. (3) The Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) will be used for all authorized transportation and lodging expenses. References: a. Temporary Duty Travel – Definitions and Responsibilities. The caller introduces himself as an employee of the travel card vendor and tells her that he needs her SSN to verify the validity of the card. (1) The ATM withdrawal limit for a standard cardholder is: (2) The cardholder, not the Government, is liable for payments for: (3) The card that limits the cardholder to a minimal amount of credit and must be activated and deactivated for official travel periods is the: Step 3 – Applicant informs APC of travel card request. It provides basic information on the GTCC program, including how to obtain, use, and pay balances on the GTCC. Step 3 – Applicant informs APC of travel card request. Start studying Army Travel Card 101. States that the applicant understands the provisions of the travel card program and proper use of the travel card. The travel order establishes in writing the conditions for official travel and transportation at government expense. Mike used his travel card to purchase airfare, lodging, rental card, gasoline, meals and parking and used an ATM to obtain cash withdrawal. Travelers on extended TDY (i.e. Program and Policies TDY Travel Policies 101 Program and Policies Travel Card Program - Travel Card 101 DTS (Basic) DTS Travel Documents - DTS 101 DTS and GTCC certificates (4); SOU and DTS Profile sent via email to: [email protected] Air Force Emergency Management Program If official travelers ride together, only the traveler paying the vehicle operating expenses can claim a mileage allowance. (4) Document all travel arrangements, travel authorizations, and travel vouchers in our electronic travel system. 301-70.709 - What can we do to reduce travel charge card When circumstances warrant, the AO must consider each case individually taking … Ensure your IBA is placed into a PCS Mission Critical Status. 870 Summit Park Avenue Auburn Hills, MI 48057, Everfi Module 4 Credit Scores Quiz Answers, Road Signs Study Guide: Meanings, Shapes, Colors, EverFi Module 7 Insurance and Taxes Answers. Air Force Risk Management Fundamentals. After you are done, click Submit. click and drag to arrange the steps in the correct sequence. Another excellent resource is the organization Resource Manager and/or Government Travel Card Agency Program Coordinator.
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